Ensure that Pieces and Pieces OS are closed before attempting these steps. Performing these steps with either application open may result in data loss.
Open a new terminal window. You can Spotlight search for “terminal” to accomplish this.
cd into your Library folder using this command:
cd ~/Library
Zip up two folders: com.pieces.os and com.pieces.pfd, yielding a zipfile named pieces_backup.zip. Use the command below:
zip -r pieces_backup.zip com.pieces.os com.pieces.pfd
Your backup will now be located in ~/Library/pieces_backup.zip. Make sure to place this somewhere safe; you’ll need this zipfile to restore your database.
Copy your original pieces_backup.zip file into your ~/Library folder. You can use Finder to accomplish this. (If you don’t see the Library folder in your user home directory, use the keyboard shortcut command + shift + . to show hidden folders).
Open a new terminal window. You can search Spotlight for “terminal” to accomplish this.
cd into your Library folder using this command:
cd ~/Library
Unzip pieces_backup.zip using the following command:
unzip pieces_backup.zip
To verify that the folders exist, use the following command:
ls | grep com.pieces
You should see an output similar to the following screenshot
You can now open Pieces OS and Pieces safely. The database will now be populated with the contents of the backup.