Research, Collaborate, and Code like a Pro

Get Pieces

Save useful snippets to your Pieces Micro-Repo


Save snippets in one-click from the web or your editor

Auto-Save Snippets

Let Pieces auto-save snippets you’re frequently reusing

From Collections

Save collections of useful snippets organized by language and framework

Learn More

From screenshots

Drag in screenshots of code to extract the snippet inside

From a Repo

Coming Soon!

Find, discover and save useful snippets from any repo

Access your pieces right inside your editor!

Automatic snippet enrichment

Auto-generated tags make search more useful

Snippets saved from the Pieces web extensions include the source page link and page title

Snippets are auto-formatted and tagged by language

Snippets saved from your editor include the file name and line numbers

It’s easier to find your snippets in Pieces than rerunning old Google searches.

An offline, personalized micro-repo, right in your editor

Find and re-use just the right snippet

Search your Pieces repo right inside your editor

Search by exact match, description, tag or language. Try natural language search!

Auto-complete code from your curated Pieces repo as you code

Save micro-iterations of your code in one-click, or let Pieces auto-save useful code for you as you type

Select code and generate a shareable link with the file name, line numbers and more right from your editor

“With any sort of command I would use with the G Cloud APIs, or my try catches— I’ll just right-click, hit “Send to Pieces” and auto-complete them into IntelliJ, VS Code or any one of my editors.”

Mark Widman - Founding Engineer @ Pieces

Collaborate without breaking your flow

Select some code, then share with context

Share your code snippet plus where it came from, relevant tags, smart descriptions, related links... all in one right-click action.

Share Pieces links anywhere

Easily share on Slack, Github, Medium, Twitter or anywhere else.  Coming soon: in-line snippet previews for recipients.

Personalize your sharing with your custom Pieces domain

Your custom domain easily identifies you as the sender, allowing you to share even more context

Share Pieces links in Github, Slack or anywhere else you collaborate

An ever-growing list of ways to use Pieces

Use Cases